O Arglwydd chwilia'th was (A phrawf fi nghalon i)
O Arglwydd gwêl dy was

Cause me O God of truth and grace / Am I an Israelite indeed?

(Gweddi am Ddidwylledd)
O! Arglwydd, gwêl dy was,
  A phrawf fy ngalon i;
Os gwli ynof anwir ffordd,
  I'r uniawn tywys fi.

Od oes rhyw bechod cudd
  Yn llechu dan fy mron,
O! chwilia 'nghalon drwyddi oll,
  A llwyr sancteiddia hon.

Yn Isräeliad gwir
  Gwna fi, heb dwyll na brad;
A'm prif hyfrydwch yn fy Nyw,
  A'm cân am gariad rhad.
gwêl dy :: chwilia'th

cyf. Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Aberdâr (alaw Gymreig)
Amwythig (alaw Gymreig)
St Bride (Samuel Howard 1710-82)

gwelir: Rhag bod rhyw bechod cudd

(Prayer for Sincerity)
O Lord, see thy servant,
  And test my heart!
If thou seest in me a false way,
  Immediately guide me.

If there be any hidden sin
  Lurking beneath my breast,
O search my heart thoroughly,
  And completely sanctify it.

A true Israelite
  Make me, without guile or treachery;
With my chief delight in my God,
  And my song about free love.
see thy :: search thy

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

Cause me, O God of truth and grace,
  My real state to know;
If I am wrong, O set me right!
  If right, preserve me so!

Say, does my heart unchanged remain,
  Or is it formed anew?
What is the rule by which I walk,
  The object I pursue?

Am I an Israelite indeed,
  Without a false disguise?
Have I renounced my sins, and left
  My refuges of lies?
Original order: vv.3,2,1.

Benjamin Beddome 1717-95

Tune [CM 8686]: Albano (F Vincent Novello 1781-1861)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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